Crack6 Challenge – Lights Out (English)

Warning: This challenge is still active and therefore should not be resolved using this information.
Aviso: Este reto sigue en activo y por lo tanto no se debería resolver utilizando esta información.


This crackme is for the crack challenge 6 of

In this crackme the goal is to turn on all the lights. Note that a light off to the next, so if we interrupt this, we win.


Exeinfo (For crackme info)

Delphi Decompiler (For decompile)

 OllyDbg (For debug)


With Delphi Decompiler we can found easy the buttons and his offsets.
Go to the offset 401A64 in OllyDbg and analyze the code.
We view two jumps, one turn ON the light and the other Turn OFF the next light. Patching the call from offset 401A8B we get the serial.


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