
Estamos ante un ELF un poco más interesante que los vistos anteriormente. Básicamente porque es divertido y fácil encontrar la solución en el decompilado y quizá por evocar recuerdos de tiempos pretéritos.

ELF Decompilado

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/* This file was generated by the Hex-Rays decompiler version
Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Hex-Rays <info@hex-rays.com>
Detected compiler: GNU C++
#include <defs.h>
// Function declarations
__int64 (**init_proc())(void);
__int64 sub_400650(); // weak
// int printf(const char *format, ...);
// int puts(const char *s);
// void __noreturn exit(int status);
// size_t strlen(const char *s);
// __int64 __fastcall MD5(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD); weak
// int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...);
// __int64 ptrace(enum __ptrace_request request, ...);
// __int64 strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);
// __int64 __isoc99_scanf(const char *, ...); weak
// int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
void __fastcall __noreturn start(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, void (*a3)(void));
void *sub_400730();
__int64 sub_400760();
void *sub_4007A0();
__int64 sub_4007D0();
void fini(void); // idb
void term_proc();
// int __fastcall _libc_start_main(int (__fastcall *main)(int, char **, char **), int argc, char **ubp_av, void (*init)(void), void (*fini)(void), void (*rtld_fini)(void), void *stack_end);
// __int64 _gmon_start__(void); weak
// Data declarations
_UNKNOWN main;
_UNKNOWN init;
__int64 (__fastcall *funcs_400E29)() = &sub_4007D0; // weak
__int64 (__fastcall *off_601DF8)() = &sub_4007A0; // weak
__int64 (*qword_602010)(void) = NULL; // weak
char *off_602080 = "FLAG-%s\n"; // idb
char a7yq2hryrn5yJga[16] = "7Yq2hrYRn5Y`jga"; // weak
const char aO6uH[] = "(O6U,H\""; // idb
_UNKNOWN unk_6020B8; // weak
_UNKNOWN unk_6020C8; // weak
char byte_6020E0; // weak
char s1; // idb
char byte_602110[]; // weak
char byte_602120[33]; // weak
char byte_602141[7]; // idb
__int64 qword_602148; // weak
__int64 qword_602150; // weak
__int64 qword_602158; // weak
__int64 qword_602160; // weak
__int64 qword_602178; // weak
//----- (0000000000400630) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 (**init_proc())(void)
__int64 (**result)(void); // rax
result = &_gmon_start__;
if ( &_gmon_start__ )
return (__int64 (**)(void))_gmon_start__();
return result;
// 6021D8: using guessed type __int64 _gmon_start__(void);
//----- (0000000000400650) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 sub_400650()
return qword_602010();
// 400650: using guessed type __int64 sub_400650();
// 602010: using guessed type __int64 (*qword_602010)(void);
//----- (0000000000400700) ----------------------------------------------------
// positive sp value has been detected, the output may be wrong!
void __fastcall __noreturn start(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, void (*a3)(void))
__int64 v3; // rax
int v4; // esi
__int64 v5; // [rsp-8h] [rbp-8h] BYREF
char *retaddr; // [rsp+0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF
v4 = v5;
v5 = v3;
_libc_start_main((int (__fastcall *)(int, char **, char **))main, v4, &retaddr, (void (*)(void))init, fini, a3, &v5);
// 400706: positive sp value 8 has been found
// 40070D: variable 'v3' is possibly undefined
//----- (0000000000400730) ----------------------------------------------------
void *sub_400730()
return &unk_6020C8;
//----- (0000000000400760) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 sub_400760()
return 0LL;
//----- (00000000004007A0) ----------------------------------------------------
void *sub_4007A0()
void *result; // rax
if ( !byte_6020E0 )
result = sub_400730();
byte_6020E0 = 1;
return result;
// 6020E0: using guessed type char byte_6020E0;
//----- (00000000004007D0) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 sub_4007D0()
return sub_400760();
//----- (00000000004007D7) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3)
size_t v3; // rax
size_t v4; // rax
int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-24h]
int n; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]
int m; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-1Ch]
int k; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]
int j; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-14h]
if ( ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL) == -1 )
goto LABEL_2;
if ( a1 > 4 )
qword_602148 = strtol(a2[1], 0LL, 10);
if ( qword_602148 )
qword_602150 = strtol(a2[2], 0LL, 10);
if ( qword_602150 )
qword_602158 = strtol(a2[3], 0LL, 10);
if ( qword_602158 )
qword_602160 = strtol(a2[4], 0LL, 10);
if ( qword_602160 )
if ( -24 * qword_602148 - 18 * qword_602150 - 15 * qword_602158 - 12 * qword_602160 == -18393
&& 9 * qword_602158 + 18 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 9 * qword_602160 == 4419
&& 4 * qword_602158 + 16 * qword_602148 + 12 * qword_602150 + 2 * qword_602160 == 7300
&& -6 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 3 * qword_602158 - 11 * qword_602160 == -8613 )
qword_602178 = qword_602158 + qword_602150 * qword_602148 - qword_602160;
sprintf(byte_602141, "%06x", qword_602178);
v4 = strlen(byte_602141);
MD5(byte_602141, v4, byte_602110);
for ( i = 0; i <= 15; ++i )
sprintf(&byte_602120[2 * i], "%02x", (unsigned __int8)byte_602110[i]);
printf(off_602080, byte_602120);
printf("password : ");
__isoc99_scanf("%s", &s1);
if ( strlen(&s1) > 0x10 )
puts("the password must be less than 16 character");
for ( j = 0; j < strlen(&s1); ++j )
*(&s1 + j) ^= 6u;
if ( !strcmp(&s1, a7yq2hryrn5yJga) )
v3 = strlen(&s1);
MD5(&s1, v3, byte_602110);
for ( k = 0; k <= 15; ++k )
sprintf(&byte_602120[2 * k], "%02x", (unsigned __int8)byte_602110[k]);
printf(off_602080, byte_602120);
puts("bad password!");
printf("password : ");
__isoc99_scanf("%s", &s1);
if ( strlen(&s1) > 0x10 )
puts("the password must be less than 16 character");
for ( m = 0; m < strlen(&s1); ++m )
*(&s1 + m) ^= 2u;
++*(&s1 + m);
*(&s1 + m) = ~*(&s1 + m);
if ( !memcmp(&s1, &unk_6020B8, 9uLL) )
for ( n = 0; n < strlen(aO6uH); n += 2 )
aO6uH[n] ^= 0x45u;
aO6uH[n + 1] ^= 0x26u;
puts("bad password!");
return 0LL;
// 4006A0: using guessed type __int64 __fastcall MD5(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD);
// 4006E0: using guessed type __int64 __isoc99_scanf(const char *, ...);
// 602148: using guessed type __int64 qword_602148;
// 602150: using guessed type __int64 qword_602150;
// 602158: using guessed type __int64 qword_602158;
// 602160: using guessed type __int64 qword_602160;
// 602178: using guessed type __int64 qword_602178;
//----- (0000000000400DE0) ----------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall init(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
signed __int64 v3; // rbp
__int64 i; // rbx
v3 = &off_601DF8 - &funcs_400E29;
if ( v3 )
for ( i = 0LL; i != v3; ++i )
(*(&funcs_400E29 + i))();
// 601DF0: using guessed type __int64 (__fastcall *funcs_400E29)();
// 601DF8: using guessed type __int64 (__fastcall *off_601DF8)();
//----- (0000000000400E54) ----------------------------------------------------
void term_proc()
// nfuncs=33 queued=10 decompiled=10 lumina nreq=0 worse=0 better=0
// ALL OK, 10 function(s) have been successfully decompiled
/* This file was generated by the Hex-Rays decompiler version Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Hex-Rays <info@hex-rays.com> Detected compiler: GNU C++ */ #include <defs.h> //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function declarations __int64 (**init_proc())(void); __int64 sub_400650(); // weak // int printf(const char *format, ...); // int puts(const char *s); // void __noreturn exit(int status); // size_t strlen(const char *s); // __int64 __fastcall MD5(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD); weak // int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...); // __int64 ptrace(enum __ptrace_request request, ...); // __int64 strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base); // __int64 __isoc99_scanf(const char *, ...); weak // int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); void __fastcall __noreturn start(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, void (*a3)(void)); void *sub_400730(); __int64 sub_400760(); void *sub_4007A0(); __int64 sub_4007D0(); void fini(void); // idb void term_proc(); // int __fastcall _libc_start_main(int (__fastcall *main)(int, char **, char **), int argc, char **ubp_av, void (*init)(void), void (*fini)(void), void (*rtld_fini)(void), void *stack_end); // __int64 _gmon_start__(void); weak //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data declarations _UNKNOWN main; _UNKNOWN init; __int64 (__fastcall *funcs_400E29)() = &sub_4007D0; // weak __int64 (__fastcall *off_601DF8)() = &sub_4007A0; // weak __int64 (*qword_602010)(void) = NULL; // weak char *off_602080 = "FLAG-%s\n"; // idb char a7yq2hryrn5yJga[16] = "7Yq2hrYRn5Y`jga"; // weak const char aO6uH[] = "(O6U,H\""; // idb _UNKNOWN unk_6020B8; // weak _UNKNOWN unk_6020C8; // weak char byte_6020E0; // weak char s1; // idb char byte_602110[]; // weak char byte_602120[33]; // weak char byte_602141[7]; // idb __int64 qword_602148; // weak __int64 qword_602150; // weak __int64 qword_602158; // weak __int64 qword_602160; // weak __int64 qword_602178; // weak //----- (0000000000400630) ---------------------------------------------------- __int64 (**init_proc())(void) { __int64 (**result)(void); // rax result = &_gmon_start__; if ( &_gmon_start__ ) return (__int64 (**)(void))_gmon_start__(); return result; } // 6021D8: using guessed type __int64 _gmon_start__(void); //----- (0000000000400650) ---------------------------------------------------- __int64 sub_400650() { return qword_602010(); } // 400650: using guessed type __int64 sub_400650(); // 602010: using guessed type __int64 (*qword_602010)(void); //----- (0000000000400700) ---------------------------------------------------- // positive sp value has been detected, the output may be wrong! void __fastcall __noreturn start(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, void (*a3)(void)) { __int64 v3; // rax int v4; // esi __int64 v5; // [rsp-8h] [rbp-8h] BYREF char *retaddr; // [rsp+0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF v4 = v5; v5 = v3; _libc_start_main((int (__fastcall *)(int, char **, char **))main, v4, &retaddr, (void (*)(void))init, fini, a3, &v5); __halt(); } // 400706: positive sp value 8 has been found // 40070D: variable 'v3' is possibly undefined //----- (0000000000400730) ---------------------------------------------------- void *sub_400730() { return &unk_6020C8; } //----- (0000000000400760) ---------------------------------------------------- __int64 sub_400760() { return 0LL; } //----- (00000000004007A0) ---------------------------------------------------- void *sub_4007A0() { void *result; // rax if ( !byte_6020E0 ) { result = sub_400730(); byte_6020E0 = 1; } return result; } // 6020E0: using guessed type char byte_6020E0; //----- (00000000004007D0) ---------------------------------------------------- __int64 sub_4007D0() { return sub_400760(); } //----- (00000000004007D7) ---------------------------------------------------- __int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3) { size_t v3; // rax size_t v4; // rax int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-24h] int n; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h] int m; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-1Ch] int k; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h] int j; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-14h] if ( ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL) == -1 ) goto LABEL_2; if ( a1 > 4 ) { qword_602148 = strtol(a2[1], 0LL, 10); if ( qword_602148 ) { qword_602150 = strtol(a2[2], 0LL, 10); if ( qword_602150 ) { qword_602158 = strtol(a2[3], 0LL, 10); if ( qword_602158 ) { qword_602160 = strtol(a2[4], 0LL, 10); if ( qword_602160 ) { if ( -24 * qword_602148 - 18 * qword_602150 - 15 * qword_602158 - 12 * qword_602160 == -18393 && 9 * qword_602158 + 18 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 9 * qword_602160 == 4419 && 4 * qword_602158 + 16 * qword_602148 + 12 * qword_602150 + 2 * qword_602160 == 7300 && -6 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 3 * qword_602158 - 11 * qword_602160 == -8613 ) { qword_602178 = qword_602158 + qword_602150 * qword_602148 - qword_602160; sprintf(byte_602141, "%06x", qword_602178); v4 = strlen(byte_602141); MD5(byte_602141, v4, byte_602110); for ( i = 0; i <= 15; ++i ) sprintf(&byte_602120[2 * i], "%02x", (unsigned __int8)byte_602110[i]); printf(off_602080, byte_602120); exit(0); } } } } } LABEL_2: printf("password : "); __isoc99_scanf("%s", &s1); if ( strlen(&s1) > 0x10 ) { puts("the password must be less than 16 character"); exit(1); } for ( j = 0; j < strlen(&s1); ++j ) *(&s1 + j) ^= 6u; if ( !strcmp(&s1, a7yq2hryrn5yJga) ) { v3 = strlen(&s1); MD5(&s1, v3, byte_602110); for ( k = 0; k <= 15; ++k ) sprintf(&byte_602120[2 * k], "%02x", (unsigned __int8)byte_602110[k]); printf(off_602080, byte_602120); exit(0); } puts("bad password!"); exit(0); } printf("password : "); __isoc99_scanf("%s", &s1); if ( strlen(&s1) > 0x10 ) { puts("the password must be less than 16 character"); exit(1); } for ( m = 0; m < strlen(&s1); ++m ) { *(&s1 + m) ^= 2u; ++*(&s1 + m); *(&s1 + m) = ~*(&s1 + m); } if ( !memcmp(&s1, &unk_6020B8, 9uLL) ) { for ( n = 0; n < strlen(aO6uH); n += 2 ) { aO6uH[n] ^= 0x45u; aO6uH[n + 1] ^= 0x26u; } puts(aO6uH); } else { puts("bad password!"); } return 0LL; } // 4006A0: using guessed type __int64 __fastcall MD5(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD); // 4006E0: using guessed type __int64 __isoc99_scanf(const char *, ...); // 602148: using guessed type __int64 qword_602148; // 602150: using guessed type __int64 qword_602150; // 602158: using guessed type __int64 qword_602158; // 602160: using guessed type __int64 qword_602160; // 602178: using guessed type __int64 qword_602178; //----- (0000000000400DE0) ---------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall init(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3) { signed __int64 v3; // rbp __int64 i; // rbx v3 = &off_601DF8 - &funcs_400E29; init_proc(); if ( v3 ) { for ( i = 0LL; i != v3; ++i ) (*(&funcs_400E29 + i))(); } } // 601DF0: using guessed type __int64 (__fastcall *funcs_400E29)(); // 601DF8: using guessed type __int64 (__fastcall *off_601DF8)(); //----- (0000000000400E54) ---------------------------------------------------- void term_proc() { ; } // nfuncs=33 queued=10 decompiled=10 lumina nreq=0 worse=0 better=0 // ALL OK, 10 function(s) have been successfully decompiled
/* This file was generated by the Hex-Rays decompiler version
   Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Hex-Rays <info@hex-rays.com>

   Detected compiler: GNU C++

#include <defs.h>

// Function declarations

__int64 (**init_proc())(void);
__int64 sub_400650(); // weak
// int printf(const char *format, ...);
// int puts(const char *s);
// void __noreturn exit(int status);
// size_t strlen(const char *s);
// __int64 __fastcall MD5(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD); weak
// int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...);
// __int64 ptrace(enum __ptrace_request request, ...);
// __int64 strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);
// __int64 __isoc99_scanf(const char *, ...); weak
// int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n);
void __fastcall __noreturn start(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, void (*a3)(void));
void *sub_400730();
__int64 sub_400760();
void *sub_4007A0();
__int64 sub_4007D0();
void fini(void); // idb
void term_proc();
// int __fastcall _libc_start_main(int (__fastcall *main)(int, char **, char **), int argc, char **ubp_av, void (*init)(void), void (*fini)(void), void (*rtld_fini)(void), void *stack_end);
// __int64 _gmon_start__(void); weak

// Data declarations

_UNKNOWN main;
_UNKNOWN init;
__int64 (__fastcall *funcs_400E29)() = &sub_4007D0; // weak
__int64 (__fastcall *off_601DF8)() = &sub_4007A0; // weak
__int64 (*qword_602010)(void) = NULL; // weak
char *off_602080 = "FLAG-%s\n"; // idb
char a7yq2hryrn5yJga[16] = "7Yq2hrYRn5Y`jga"; // weak
const char aO6uH[] = "(O6U,H\""; // idb
_UNKNOWN unk_6020B8; // weak
_UNKNOWN unk_6020C8; // weak
char byte_6020E0; // weak
char s1; // idb
char byte_602110[]; // weak
char byte_602120[33]; // weak
char byte_602141[7]; // idb
__int64 qword_602148; // weak
__int64 qword_602150; // weak
__int64 qword_602158; // weak
__int64 qword_602160; // weak
__int64 qword_602178; // weak

//----- (0000000000400630) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 (**init_proc())(void)
  __int64 (**result)(void); // rax

  result = &_gmon_start__;
  if ( &_gmon_start__ )
    return (__int64 (**)(void))_gmon_start__();
  return result;
// 6021D8: using guessed type __int64 _gmon_start__(void);

//----- (0000000000400650) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 sub_400650()
  return qword_602010();
// 400650: using guessed type __int64 sub_400650();
// 602010: using guessed type __int64 (*qword_602010)(void);

//----- (0000000000400700) ----------------------------------------------------
// positive sp value has been detected, the output may be wrong!
void __fastcall __noreturn start(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, void (*a3)(void))
  __int64 v3; // rax
  int v4; // esi
  __int64 v5; // [rsp-8h] [rbp-8h] BYREF
  char *retaddr; // [rsp+0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF

  v4 = v5;
  v5 = v3;
  _libc_start_main((int (__fastcall *)(int, char **, char **))main, v4, &retaddr, (void (*)(void))init, fini, a3, &v5);
// 400706: positive sp value 8 has been found
// 40070D: variable 'v3' is possibly undefined

//----- (0000000000400730) ----------------------------------------------------
void *sub_400730()
  return &unk_6020C8;

//----- (0000000000400760) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 sub_400760()
  return 0LL;

//----- (00000000004007A0) ----------------------------------------------------
void *sub_4007A0()
  void *result; // rax

  if ( !byte_6020E0 )
    result = sub_400730();
    byte_6020E0 = 1;
  return result;
// 6020E0: using guessed type char byte_6020E0;

//----- (00000000004007D0) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 sub_4007D0()
  return sub_400760();

//----- (00000000004007D7) ----------------------------------------------------
__int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3)
  size_t v3; // rax
  size_t v4; // rax
  int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-24h]
  int n; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]
  int m; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-1Ch]
  int k; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]
  int j; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-14h]

  if ( ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL) == -1 )
    goto LABEL_2;
  if ( a1 > 4 )
    qword_602148 = strtol(a2[1], 0LL, 10);
    if ( qword_602148 )
      qword_602150 = strtol(a2[2], 0LL, 10);
      if ( qword_602150 )
        qword_602158 = strtol(a2[3], 0LL, 10);
        if ( qword_602158 )
          qword_602160 = strtol(a2[4], 0LL, 10);
          if ( qword_602160 )
            if ( -24 * qword_602148 - 18 * qword_602150 - 15 * qword_602158 - 12 * qword_602160 == -18393
              && 9 * qword_602158 + 18 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 9 * qword_602160 == 4419
              && 4 * qword_602158 + 16 * qword_602148 + 12 * qword_602150 + 2 * qword_602160 == 7300
              && -6 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 3 * qword_602158 - 11 * qword_602160 == -8613 )
              qword_602178 = qword_602158 + qword_602150 * qword_602148 - qword_602160;
              sprintf(byte_602141, "%06x", qword_602178);
              v4 = strlen(byte_602141);
              MD5(byte_602141, v4, byte_602110);
              for ( i = 0; i <= 15; ++i )
                sprintf(&byte_602120[2 * i], "%02x", (unsigned __int8)byte_602110[i]);
              printf(off_602080, byte_602120);
    printf("password : ");
    __isoc99_scanf("%s", &s1);
    if ( strlen(&s1) > 0x10 )
      puts("the password must be less than 16 character");
    for ( j = 0; j < strlen(&s1); ++j )
      *(&s1 + j) ^= 6u;
    if ( !strcmp(&s1, a7yq2hryrn5yJga) )
      v3 = strlen(&s1);
      MD5(&s1, v3, byte_602110);
      for ( k = 0; k <= 15; ++k )
        sprintf(&byte_602120[2 * k], "%02x", (unsigned __int8)byte_602110[k]);
      printf(off_602080, byte_602120);
    puts("bad password!");
  printf("password : ");
  __isoc99_scanf("%s", &s1);
  if ( strlen(&s1) > 0x10 )
    puts("the password must be less than 16 character");
  for ( m = 0; m < strlen(&s1); ++m )
    *(&s1 + m) ^= 2u;
    ++*(&s1 + m);
    *(&s1 + m) = ~*(&s1 + m);
  if ( !memcmp(&s1, &unk_6020B8, 9uLL) )
    for ( n = 0; n < strlen(aO6uH); n += 2 )
      aO6uH[n] ^= 0x45u;
      aO6uH[n + 1] ^= 0x26u;
    puts("bad password!");
  return 0LL;
// 4006A0: using guessed type __int64 __fastcall MD5(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD);
// 4006E0: using guessed type __int64 __isoc99_scanf(const char *, ...);
// 602148: using guessed type __int64 qword_602148;
// 602150: using guessed type __int64 qword_602150;
// 602158: using guessed type __int64 qword_602158;
// 602160: using guessed type __int64 qword_602160;
// 602178: using guessed type __int64 qword_602178;

//----- (0000000000400DE0) ----------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall init(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
  signed __int64 v3; // rbp
  __int64 i; // rbx

  v3 = &off_601DF8 - &funcs_400E29;
  if ( v3 )
    for ( i = 0LL; i != v3; ++i )
      (*(&funcs_400E29 + i))();
// 601DF0: using guessed type __int64 (__fastcall *funcs_400E29)();
// 601DF8: using guessed type __int64 (__fastcall *off_601DF8)();

//----- (0000000000400E54) ----------------------------------------------------
void term_proc()

// nfuncs=33 queued=10 decompiled=10 lumina nreq=0 worse=0 better=0
// ALL OK, 10 function(s) have been successfully decompiled

Análisis estático


Si la función ptrace retorna -1, significa que el programa está siendo depurado y redirige a LABEL_2.

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if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL) == -1) {
goto LABEL_2;
if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL) == -1) { goto LABEL_2; }
if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL) == -1) {
    goto LABEL_2;

Cálculos y validaciones

El programa espera al menos 5 argumentos (nombre del programa y cuatro números enteros). Si se proporcionan los cuatro números enteros, se realizan los siguientes cálculos:

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if (-24 * qword_602148 - 18 * qword_602150 - 15 * qword_602158 - 12 * qword_602160 == -18393
&& 9 * qword_602158 + 18 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 9 * qword_602160 == 4419
&& 4 * qword_602158 + 16 * qword_602148 + 12 * qword_602150 + 2 * qword_602160 == 7300
&& -6 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 3 * qword_602158 - 11 * qword_602160 == -8613)
if (-24 * qword_602148 - 18 * qword_602150 - 15 * qword_602158 - 12 * qword_602160 == -18393 && 9 * qword_602158 + 18 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 9 * qword_602160 == 4419 && 4 * qword_602158 + 16 * qword_602148 + 12 * qword_602150 + 2 * qword_602160 == 7300 && -6 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 3 * qword_602158 - 11 * qword_602160 == -8613)
if (-24 * qword_602148 - 18 * qword_602150 - 15 * qword_602158 - 12 * qword_602160 == -18393
    && 9 * qword_602158 + 18 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 9 * qword_602160 == 4419
    && 4 * qword_602158 + 16 * qword_602148 + 12 * qword_602150 + 2 * qword_602160 == 7300
    && -6 * (qword_602150 + qword_602148) - 3 * qword_602158 - 11 * qword_602160 == -8613)

Esto es un sistema de ecuaciones lineales mondo y lirondo que debe ser resuelto para encontrar los valores correctos de qword_602148, qword_602150, qword_602158 y qword_602160. Una vez resuelto el sistema de ecuaciones se realiza la operación:

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qword_602178 = qword_602158 + qword_602150 * qword_602148 - qword_602160;
qword_602178 = qword_602158 + qword_602150 * qword_602148 - qword_602160;
 qword_602178 = qword_602158 + qword_602150 * qword_602148 - qword_602160;

A continuación se pasa el resultado de la variable qword_602178 a hexadecimal y se genera su hash MD5.

Solución en Python

Lo más rápido en esta ocasión es usar Python, pero esto se puede resolver hasta con lápiz y papel 😉

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from sympy import symbols, Eq, solve
import hashlib
# Definir las variables
A, B, C, D = symbols('A B C D')
# Definir las ecuaciones
eq1 = Eq(-24*A - 18*B - 15*C - 12*D, -18393)
eq2 = Eq(9*C + 18*(A + B) - 9*D, 4419)
eq3 = Eq(4*C + 16*A + 12*B + 2*D, 7300)
eq4 = Eq(-6*(A + B) - 3*C - 11*D, -8613)
# Resolver el sistema de ecuaciones
solution = solve((eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4), (A, B, C, D))
# Verificar si se encontró una solución
if solution:
print("Solución encontrada:")
# Obtener los valores de A, B, C y D
A_val = solution[A]
B_val = solution[B]
C_val = solution[C]
D_val = solution[D]
# Mostrar los valores encontrados
print(f"A = {A_val}")
print(f"B = {B_val}")
print(f"C = {C_val}")
print(f"D = {D_val}")
# Calcular qword_602178
qword_602178 = C_val + B_val * A_val - D_val
qword_602178 = int(qword_602178) # Convertir a entero de Python
print(f"qword_602178 = {qword_602178}")
# Convertir qword_602178 a una cadena en formato hexadecimal
byte_602141 = f"{qword_602178:06x}"
print(f"byte_602141 (hex) = {byte_602141}")
# Calcular el MD5 de la cadena
md5_hash = hashlib.md5(byte_602141.encode()).hexdigest()
print(f"MD5 hash = {md5_hash}")
# Generar la flag
flag = f"FLAG-{md5_hash}"
print(f"Flag = {flag}")
print("No se encontró una solución.")
from sympy import symbols, Eq, solve import hashlib # Definir las variables A, B, C, D = symbols('A B C D') # Definir las ecuaciones eq1 = Eq(-24*A - 18*B - 15*C - 12*D, -18393) eq2 = Eq(9*C + 18*(A + B) - 9*D, 4419) eq3 = Eq(4*C + 16*A + 12*B + 2*D, 7300) eq4 = Eq(-6*(A + B) - 3*C - 11*D, -8613) # Resolver el sistema de ecuaciones solution = solve((eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4), (A, B, C, D)) # Verificar si se encontró una solución if solution: print("Solución encontrada:") print(solution) # Obtener los valores de A, B, C y D A_val = solution[A] B_val = solution[B] C_val = solution[C] D_val = solution[D] # Mostrar los valores encontrados print(f"A = {A_val}") print(f"B = {B_val}") print(f"C = {C_val}") print(f"D = {D_val}") # Calcular qword_602178 qword_602178 = C_val + B_val * A_val - D_val qword_602178 = int(qword_602178) # Convertir a entero de Python print(f"qword_602178 = {qword_602178}") # Convertir qword_602178 a una cadena en formato hexadecimal byte_602141 = f"{qword_602178:06x}" print(f"byte_602141 (hex) = {byte_602141}") # Calcular el MD5 de la cadena md5_hash = hashlib.md5(byte_602141.encode()).hexdigest() print(f"MD5 hash = {md5_hash}") # Generar la flag flag = f"FLAG-{md5_hash}" print(f"Flag = {flag}") else: print("No se encontró una solución.")
from sympy import symbols, Eq, solve
import hashlib

# Definir las variables
A, B, C, D = symbols('A B C D')

# Definir las ecuaciones
eq1 = Eq(-24*A - 18*B - 15*C - 12*D, -18393)
eq2 = Eq(9*C + 18*(A + B) - 9*D, 4419)
eq3 = Eq(4*C + 16*A + 12*B + 2*D, 7300)
eq4 = Eq(-6*(A + B) - 3*C - 11*D, -8613)

# Resolver el sistema de ecuaciones
solution = solve((eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4), (A, B, C, D))

# Verificar si se encontró una solución
if solution:
    print("Solución encontrada:")

    # Obtener los valores de A, B, C y D
    A_val = solution[A]
    B_val = solution[B]
    C_val = solution[C]
    D_val = solution[D]

    # Mostrar los valores encontrados
    print(f"A = {A_val}")
    print(f"B = {B_val}")
    print(f"C = {C_val}")
    print(f"D = {D_val}")

    # Calcular qword_602178
    qword_602178 = C_val + B_val * A_val - D_val
    qword_602178 = int(qword_602178)  # Convertir a entero de Python
    print(f"qword_602178 = {qword_602178}")

    # Convertir qword_602178 a una cadena en formato hexadecimal
    byte_602141 = f"{qword_602178:06x}"
    print(f"byte_602141 (hex) = {byte_602141}")

    # Calcular el MD5 de la cadena
    md5_hash = hashlib.md5(byte_602141.encode()).hexdigest()
    print(f"MD5 hash = {md5_hash}")

    # Generar la flag
    flag = f"FLAG-{md5_hash}"
    print(f"Flag = {flag}")

    print("No se encontró una solución.")

Al ejecutar el script veremos algo como esto:

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Solución encontrada:
{A: 227, B: 115, C: 317, D: 510}
A = 227
B = 115
C = 317
D = 510
qword_602178 = 25912
byte_602141 (hex) = 006538
MD5 hash = 21a84f2c7c7fd432edf1686215db....
Flag = FLAG-21a84f2c7c7fd432edf1686215db....
Solución encontrada: {A: 227, B: 115, C: 317, D: 510} A = 227 B = 115 C = 317 D = 510 qword_602178 = 25912 byte_602141 (hex) = 006538 MD5 hash = 21a84f2c7c7fd432edf1686215db.... Flag = FLAG-21a84f2c7c7fd432edf1686215db....
Solución encontrada:
{A: 227, B: 115, C: 317, D: 510}
A = 227
B = 115
C = 317
D = 510
qword_602178 = 25912
byte_602141 (hex) = 006538
MD5 hash = 21a84f2c7c7fd432edf1686215db....
Flag = FLAG-21a84f2c7c7fd432edf1686215db....

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